Ode to a Bucket

You are probably thinking - she's really lost it now! She is writing about a bucket?!??! I know it sounds CRAZY - but follow me for a minute here.

A couple years back my husband put a bucket on his Christmas list. I thought he was nuts - what's so special about a bucket?!  But you know, for me, it wasn't really about the bucket. It was about loving my husband.

When  I said, "I do" to my husband I promised to love him - all of him! So when he has a passion, interest, or need I shouldn't glaze over and say, "Oh - that's nice." It's easy to love our spouses when everything is going well or it makes sense to us. It is easy for me to play tennis with him because I too enjoy it. I can understand he likes his yard to look nice, so I help where I can & give him the time he needs to make it something he is proud of.  But I didn't understand this bucket thing! So sad to say, but I glazed over and dismissed it.

Over the last couple years I have learned many reasons the bucket is useful. I have even learned to appreciate it myself.

  • Carrying Firewood

  • Building sandcastles

  • Carrying Water

  • Carrying sand toys to the beach

  • Building forts out of Snow

  • Disposing of animal pests

  • Giving Tinkerbell somewhere to stand or lean on at the beach

  • Somewhere to set the camera to get family an impromptu family picture

  • and SO many more!

At times, my husband will say, 'See! I wasn't crazy to want the bucket!' How sad that he has to defend his interest or like to me! I should be his #1 fan from the get-go - no questions asked!  Next time - I will try to do better! 



Beth Gorden is a homeschooling mother of six who strives to enjoy every moment with her kids through hands-on learning, crafts, new experiences, and lots of playing together. Beth is also the creator and author of 123 Homeschool 4 Me where she shares 1000+ free printables, creative homeschool lessons, crafts, and other fun ideas to help preschool and homeschooling families have fun while learning and exploring together.