Creating an Outdoor Playscape


I love creating areas where my kids can dive into a world of their own and let their imaginations soar! I have always created these playscapes inside, but in the spring we created an outdoor playscape. It evolved as we rearranged where our kid’s playhouse would go.  And we created it all (with the exception of some extra bags of dirt) from things we had laying our our house/attic anyway!

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My kids love helping me plant our gardens. But they are always disappointed they don’t get to plant & replant. So out of scrap boards my husband created their own garden. I laminated some seed pictures for them to use as seed packets or labels. They kids can use their shovel, rakes, hand tools, and gloves to move the dirt around and plant/dig up veggies to their hearts content!April 2012 617

The house itself is seated on 2 scrap boards my husband had leftover from another project. They make a great foundation for the house & porch! You can see in the picture I painted part of the boards with leftover green spray paint to look like grass. Then I painted the other side red and used a black sharpie to make bricks for their front walk & porch. Inside the house we put an old indoor/outdoor rug we had laying around to give them a carpeted house. And we moved some of our play dishes in the house.

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Around the house we put leftover white picket fence that use to be around a garden bed. Now it gives their house a pretty look and makes it a a home of their own. I used an extra planter box outside their window. There are silk flowers they can plant/replant as they like. Minnie is VERY into flowers right now.

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I even added some bugs to our garden. Tinker bell LOVED digging out the bugs!

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Here is Minnie relaxing on her porch, enjoying her new garden. It was so simple and fun to put together. My kids are delighted – bring on those lazy summer days!

Beth Gorden is a homeschooling mother of six who strives to enjoy every moment with her kids through hands-on learning, crafts, new experiences, and lots of playing together. Beth is also the creator and author of 123 Homeschool 4 Me where she shares 1000+ free printables, creative homeschool lessons, crafts, and other fun ideas to help preschool and homeschooling families have fun while learning and exploring together.