A Day in the Life of a Mom on a Germy Day

A Day in the Life of Another Mom Series

Today we’ve got Andrea sharing about her day homeschooling on a germy day!  If you’ve missed any of our ongoing series “A Day in the Life of Another Mom” take a peak and read back. Isn’t it great to be a fly on the wall of someone else’s kitchen wall and see that we ALL have days like that!


6:00 – My husband’s alarm goes off – he hits snooze, but I’m battling a cold, so there’s no way I’ll fall back to sleep.  I get up and make coffee, then I turn on the computer to check social medias.

6:30 – My husband comes out for coffee and his lunch.  He heads out to work and I quickly sneak in to take a shower before the kids wake up.

6:45 – Kids are awake!

7: 00 – Breakfast: I make oatmeal.  The kids complain that they don’t like oatmeal (which is news to me), but both of them eat their whole bowls up.

7:15 – We are so excited to finish reading Farmer Boy (from the Little House on the Prairie Series) that we read the last two chapters right away.  I’m super excited to finish because we are reading Charlotte’s Web next! 

7:40- Morning Chores.  The girls both make their beds, brush their teeth and hair, and get dressed!  It’s “Tuesday Toilet Cleaning Day” so I run into the bathrooms and scrub the toilets.  My youngest helps me out – she loves to help clean!

8:00 – Oh no!  I realize I haven’t had any coffee yet – and go pour some.

Begin Homeschool Day

8:10 – We begin the school day:

- First we do handwriting.  My preschooler does great with her G’s and my kindergartener works on some copy work.  She chooses the shortest sentence to copy and tells me so, which makes me realize I need to revise copy-work (I make a note to myself).

- Next we work on Math.  We do a quick math facts activity and then work on Germy Symmetry, a game I created for our current Germs Unit.

Day in the Life of another Mom

- We start science with an apple experiment.  Both girls practice using the peeler and prepare their apples.

- I send the girls outside to play and tell them to get their hands dirty.  They take it to heart!  When they come in, we do a hand-washing experiment to see how long it takes to wash our hands.

- We mix up a solution for our petri dishes.  Unfortunately it doesn’t gel, so we have to mix up a second batch using more gelatin.  We collect germ samples with Q-tips from areas throughout the house. Day in the Life of another Mom

-We head out to the garage where we work on some blow painting for some germ art.  I have to remind the girls not to blow air through their straws at each other {sigh…}.

Day in the Life of another Mom

- We look through several books about germs and read a few of them while we wait for the paint to dry. 

The girls go play a make-believe game and I scrub the toilets.  When I’m putting supplies away, I realize that I really need to clean out the cleaning cupboard and get rid of a ton of old supplies.  I head out to the kitchen to make lunch.

12:30 – Lunch:  Both girls complain that they don’t like turkey sandwiches, (which is news to me), but they eat them right up.  Go figure.

Afternoon Fun Time

1:00 – After lunch I happily see my older daughter reading to her younger sister.  I smile to myself and quickly check my email.

1:30- Both girls get their bathing suits on and we head into the backyard.  I start the sprinklers for the girls and pull weeds while they run around.  They find a ton of roly pollies wandering around today.

3:00 – I ask the girls whose day it is to get the mail because we’ve had to schedule days to avoid arguing about whose turn it is.  They go out and get it and hooray!  I got paid from my weekly charter school teaching job!

3:30 – We hop in the car and run to the bank to deposit the check.  The girls are happy that the bank teller gives them a sucker.  We then run to the post office so I can mail out some books I swapped on PaperbackSwap and we go get the girls haircuts! 

5:00 – Dinner Preparation:  While I’m cooking, each girl gets to pick a short show to watch.  Dinosaur Train is the popular choice!

6:15 Daddy’s Home!  The girls run to the door to greet him.  We eat dinner and talk about our day.  The highlight is the haircuts!


7:00 – Time for baths and bedtime routines.  Tonight is my night to read bedtime stories (my husband and I alternate nights).  I’m super happy they’ve picked two stories I enjoy:

8:15 – The girls are tucked into bed and my youngest only comes out once to get ice water for her cup.

10 – My husband and I chat for awhile and head to bed!

Profile Andrea lives in California with her husband and two daughters. She left 11 years of public school teaching to homeschool and hasn’t looked back. Andrea loves reading, writing, and spending time outdoors.  Connect with her on at her blog No Doubt Learning, Facebook, G+, Twitter, or Pinterest.

What is your day like?

Would you like to contribute to A Day in the Life of Another Mom? We’d love to read about your day! This series will be ongoing as long as there are people willing to give us all a glimpse into their lives. If you would like to share A Day in Your Life please email me your day to 123homeschool4me (at) gmail.com. Feel free to include picture (s). I will let you know promptly when it will be posted. (If you have a blog please let me know as I will include a link to your blog in the post.)

Beth Gorden is a homeschooling mother of six who strives to enjoy every moment with her kids through hands-on learning, crafts, new experiences, and lots of playing together. Beth is also the creator and author of 123 Homeschool 4 Me where she shares 1000+ free printables, creative homeschool lessons, crafts, and other fun ideas to help preschool and homeschooling families have fun while learning and exploring together.