If you are studying the US States for Kids with elementary age kids you are going to want to grab these state worksheets.
US State Worksheets
This blank state worksheet works for any of the 50 states. It includes:
- State Fact sheet (blank & filled in – I suggest using the blank one for older children and the filled in one for younger children who do not have the skills or patience to fill it in)
- Nickname
- Capital
- Chief Products
- Brief History
- Things to See
- Weather
- State Fact Sheet #2
- Where is the state in the US?
- Longitude & Latitude Map Skills
- Math Activity as you travel from state to state
- Did you Know section
- Population & Size Graphs
- Map Work (including time zone activity)
Plants & Animals
FREE State Specific Worksheet Packs
When we started out I was planning on making state specific packs, but time just didn't permit. So if you are learning about one of the following states make sure to grab the state specific pack below. If not, the blank state worksheet at the bottom of this post will work for any state you study.
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Delaware
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Michigan
- Missouri
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Utah
- Wisconsin
Additional Resources
- Why we homeschool
- Our New Workboxes
- Homeschooling 101
- {free} School Memories MEGA Pack
- 2012-2013 Curriculum Choices (Toddler, Preschool, 1st Grade)
- 200+ {free} Printables & Lesson Plans by Subject!
- Homeschooling in Illinois
- FREE Homeschool Forms to Help you Get Organized