Meet your Favorite Homeschool Bloggers at Great Homeschool Conventions

Are you attending Great Homeschool Conventions this year? Besides all the amazing speakers, workshops, and huge vendor hall, you can meet your favorite homeschool bloggers. Register today for the homeschool event of the year!

7 Conversation Starters for Meeting your favorite Homeschool Bloggers at Great Homeschool Conventions

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I will be attending the Great Homeschool Conventions in Ohio in just a few short weeks? I’m so excited!

Did you know at the Great Homeschool Conventions in South Carolina & Ohio there is an official place to meet GHC Bloggers? Yep, for those that are interested we may just be able to meet and chat face to face.

Can I just say that I am super excited about this GHC Blogger Meet-up? Not only would I love the chance to meet some of my readers, but I too am looking forward to meeting some of my favorite Homeschool Bloggers that I’ve only meet virtually.  So, if like me, you might be unsure about just what to say when you meet your favorite homeschool bloggers… here are some conversation starters for meeting your favorite homeschool bloggers.


7 Conversation Starters for Meeting your Favorite Homeschool Bloggers

Just introduce yourself

Sometimes the hardest thing is just to get the courage to go up and say hi; chances are the conversation will flow naturally after that.


Mention you are a reader and what you like best about their blog

Your favorite homeschool bloggers put a lot of time, thought, and did I mention time into their blogs. They’d love to know that you are not only a reader, but what you really like about their blog. Trust me it will make their day.


Talk about Great Homeschool Convention Workshops

Your favorite homeschool bloggers are there to be encouraged and learn new strategies to better minister to their children just like you are. Why not ask them what a few of their favorites have been and tell them some speakers you think are not to be missed too.


Bond over being Homeschoolers

There is just something about hanging out with fellow homeschoolers who share our vision for our children’s education that bonds us. A funny story about your homeschool or talking about shared experiences will be an easy way to find your common ground.

Chat about local Cincinnati things to eat, see, and do

You can always chat about the best place to get Cincinnati chili (and what you thought of the cinnamon in chili), great places to visit while in the Cincinnati area (here are some of my favorites), or which hotel you are staying at. Just spending a couple minutes chit chatting if a great way to stop by and say “Hi”.

Talk about Common Interests

Your favorite homeschool bloggers are just regular people – trust me! Although they put a lot of time into their blog, their world does not revolve around it. So talk about  common interests you have. Plus you really have an edge here since you know your favorite homeschool blogger by reading about her.

Pray for One Another

As believers we know that hardship is part of this life, but we have a risen Savior who loves us. Offer to pray for your favorite homeschool blogger – trust me they will be blessed by your offer. You can even take time to pray over each other.

Details for the official GHC Blogger Meet-ups have yet to be released. Make sure you follow GHC on Facebook and Twitter as the information should be realesed any day now.

So if you see me walking around, feel free to come up and say “Hi”, I’d love to meet you.


Are you Registered for a Great Homeschool Convention Yet?

If you are not registered to go to Great Homeschool Conventions in Ohio yet, make sure you register ASAP so you don’t miss out on the homeschool event of the year!

GHC Registration


Beth Gorden is a homeschooling mother of six who strives to enjoy every moment with her kids through hands-on learning, crafts, new experiences, and lots of playing together. Beth is also the creator and author of 123 Homeschool 4 Me where she shares 1000+ free printables, creative homeschool lessons, crafts, and other fun ideas to help preschool and homeschooling families have fun while learning and exploring together.