Bible Verse Review Game: Tower Stack

Great Bible verse review game for families or Sunday School classes that work with any verse.

Tower Stack: Bible Verse Review Activity #kids #homeschool #sundayschool

Bible Verse Review Game – Tower Stack

This is a very simple and inexpensive bible verse review game.  It works for children 1st-4th grade. In our 2nd grade class of 50 kids we divided them into 8 groups of about 5 each. You’ll want to keep the groups to no more than 7-8 kids per group to allow all the kids to participate.

  • You’ll need cups, about 8-10 cups per group. We used sturdy Target “Solo” cups that we  reuse.

  • Print 2-3 words from the verse on each label.

  • Affix labels to cups. (note every other label should be “upside down” so they look correct when stacking.

  • Have the kids stack the cups to put the verse in order.

Note: By printing labels the words are not only neater/easier to read and convenient to do with a large group, but it also makes it easier to reuse the cups. Just carefully peel off the label or put a new label on top of the old label.

The kids thought this was a really fun activity and was a great way to practice their memory verse. The activity takes about 10 minutes.

The verse we used for this activity as pictured above is:

Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”


Beth Gorden is a homeschooling mother of six who strives to enjoy every moment with her kids through hands-on learning, crafts, new experiences, and lots of playing together. Beth is also the creator and author of 123 Homeschool 4 Me where she shares 1000+ free printables, creative homeschool lessons, crafts, and other fun ideas to help preschool and homeschooling families have fun while learning and exploring together.