Looking for some great ideas to round out your Christmas wish list this year? Or maybe you are buying for that homeschool Mom that seems to busy to have time to use anything you get her. I hear you! Here are some things every Homeschooling Mom would like.
What Mom Really Wants for Christmas
The following 10 things that I actually own, like, and would recommend to my closest friends!
A Day off
Let’s me honest, homeschool Mom’s work hard! They not only cook, clean, grocery shop, make sure kids are up to date on immunizations, keep the peace and keep their lives full of enriching activities – they also have the full time job of homeschooling the kids. That’s planning lessons, gatheirng supplies, teaching (at times various grade levels) and following up to make sure the material was mastered. Homeschooling Mom’s are busy!
Give the homeschooling lady in your life some time. Time to plan without kids needing her attention. Time to pray about what God wants to do in your families homeschool this year. Time to renew her vision and energy. Time to relax. Just. Time.
A Good Printer
We homeschoolers like to really run our printers hard. There are lots of great materials on the internet that make homeschooling easier. And many are free. But to make use of them you need a printer. We have the Epson WP-4530 Printer. It does everything I want/need it to do and is economical.
Reliable Laminator
Homeschooling Moms, especially moms of younger elementary aged kids, make good use of laminators. This small, but powerful laminator has lasted me 3 years and counting. And I do a lot of laminating. I like to make sure all the games I take the time to make & print are going to make it through years of use by all my kids.
Bread Machine = Yum!
As much as I want to be super mom, I’m really not. Having the time to homeschool and keep things flowing around the house is hard work. My family loves our breadmaker! You (literally) just toss in some ingredients and 3-4 hours later you have a delicious, nutritious home made bread. YUM! The one we have is over 13 years old and going strong. Although they don’t make ours anymore, here is a very similar breadmaker to ours.
Keurig = Instant Happy Juice!
Are you a coffee drinker? I find the warm cup of caffeine does wonders for me to be my best during the day. And unless you homeschool in a coop or have highschoolers, chances are you are just making one cup at a time. We love our Keurig! It’s easy, delicious, and they have fantastic customer service. And did you know you can get generic Kcups at Target now?
Netflix = Easy Entertainment

Netflix has become a favorite in our house. You can now have separate user accounts within your household so that kids can only access what you let them. There are tons of educational preschool shows, homeschool material, and movies for family movie night. So when Mom is sick or just need to get something ready for school you can use something that is commercial free! Plus when Mom actually does kick up her feet, some times it’s nice to veg out and cuddle with hubby on the couch. (Yep, I am speaking from experience!)
Crock Pot = Easy Dinners!
Ever feel the dread of knowing dinnertime is rapidly approaching and you have nothing planned for dinner? I know I have. I find that the days when I throw something in my Crockpot first thing, when I am still motivated and energetic, makes things flow so much smoother. I love the convenience and the yummy smell all day long as it simmers. Here is the Crockpot we own and love.
Brookside Dark Chocolate Acai with Blueberry
If you’ve never tried these Dark Chocolate Acai berries – you must! They are delicious and using dark chocolate and acai berries, they are at least a little healthy, right? =) I love the resealable pouch which lets me eat a couple when I just need a chocolate fix, without downing a whole chocolate bar. These are always on my Christmas wish list!
Ticket to Ride Game
I love family game night! It is a chance to just hang out and enjoy each other. Ticket to Ride is our families current favorite. This game is equally enjoyed by people ages 7-100! Plus my Preschooler loves playing too and being the card flipper! There are lots of editions, but we love Ticket Ride to USA edition with the 1910 Expansion Pack. On our Christmas lists this year are other editions of this super fun game!
Here are 27 Family Favorite Board Games I highly recommend!
Recommended Picture Books for Children by D.M. Pearson
Trips to the library can be touch for homeschool Moms!
Most Moms have kids spa spanning several reading levels to find books for and homeschool Moms have limited time.
- We don't have time to scour the bookshelves looking for the "best" picture books
- We don't have time to look all over the internet for great picture book lists before each and every trip to the library.
- We don't have time to read every book to make sure it really is all we hoped for
Homeschool Mom's would love to get Recommended Picture Books for Children this Christmas. This book will simplify their trip to the library, help them pick great books, and enhance vocabulary.