66 Books on Tee – Books of the Bible Activity

Here is a hands on activity to help kids learn the Books of the Bible.


This year we have been working with our 1st grade Sunday School class on learning the books of the Bible. Since they are becoming more confident readers and are able to start reading verses from the Bible we think they should know how to find things in their Bible too!

As class starts on Sunday we have 6-8 stations set up with different activities to learn and review the books of the Bible. Some of our other popular activities are:

Books of the Bible

How to Prepare the 66 Books on Tee Activity

Make your own 66 on Tee Books of the Bible Activity for Kids

You need a piece of wood about 24” wide by 24” tall and at least 1” deep. Now spray paint it on the front any color you like. (I used some silver paint we had on hand.)

I put the golf tees upside down to space them out evenly and then made a dot where each hole should go.

I made a number 6 for the Old Testament books and a number 6 for the New Testament books. This separates Old & New while still helping kids visually see that their are 66 books in the Bible.

Using a drill, make a hole hole at each mark. Test that the hole is large enough for your tees.

Using a sharpie make a line with arrows to show kids where to start putting the Old Testament & New Testament balls.

I used fun duct tape to cover the edges. Not only did it give it a more polished feel, but will protect kids hands from getting splinters.

Finally, print off small labels to stick on balls or write the names neatly by hand. You can use ping pong balls, but if you can find slightly heavier balls it will make the activity easier for the kids. [Note: We found cheap eye balls at the dollar store that we just put the label on top of – they work great!]


How to Play 66 Books on Tee


The idea is real simple – place the books of the Bible balls on the tees in order from Genesis through Malachi and Matthew to Revelations.

Note: This activity may frustrate some less coordinated children. It is mean to be fun. If your student is getting too frustrated, try one of our other Books of the Bible Activities instead!


Beth Gorden is a homeschooling mother of six who strives to enjoy every moment with her kids through hands-on learning, crafts, new experiences, and lots of playing together. Beth is also the creator and author of 123 Homeschool 4 Me where she shares 1000+ free printables, creative homeschool lessons, crafts, and other fun ideas to help preschool and homeschooling families have fun while learning and exploring together.