5 Senses Unit

Come explore the sense of touch with us as part of our 5 senses unit. We explore some great books, videos, make an edible skin, hands on project and so much more. This is a great unit for Preschool, PreK, Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade kids.

FREE Five Senses Unit for preschool, kindergarten, homeschool - so many fun, hands on science activities for kids to explore taste, smell, see, hear, and feel. GREAT IDEAS!

More Science Units for Kids


First we learned about our sense of hearing with these books and activities:


  • Cup & String Telephone - You've probably seen this done in old classic movies, but what you may not know is it actually works. Keep the string taut and you'll be amazed to hear the sound waves travel across the string.

  • Otoscope - Let kids get a look at the inside of a human ear using an otoscope.

  • Ear Drum Activity - Kids will be amazed to see how a loud noise near the model ear will make the ear drum vibrate.  (see the ear drum experiment)


Next we took a closer look at our eyes and our sense of sight with these books and activities:


Edible Eye Science Project for Five Senses

The kids had a blast making their own Edible Eye Model. We used a clementine to represent the eye ball filled with vitreous humor liquid. We pushed a strip of licorice in the back of the clementine to stand for the optic nerve. then we added a black olive to the opposite side to stand for the puil and covered the front with plastic wrap to make the cornea. 

Dissecting a Cow eye in homeschool science

How cool is this? We actually dissected a cow eye! The kids were having so much fun and were not grossed out at all. It was fascinating!

We cot this cow eye dissection kit for only $7.20. 


One of our favorite senses we studies with the sense of touching where we took a look at skin.  

  • Edible Skin -  layer of mini marshmallows, followed by red jello, and fruit roll-up with holes for pores with licorice hair sticking through the pores.

  • Touch Bags - We put a variety of item sin brown bags for the kids to touch and try to determine what they were: pine cones, slime, feather, sugar, etc.

  • I can feel by touching - The kids traced their hand and glued on items alongside the words they wrote - sensation the skin can feel: bumpy (pasta), smooth (foil), hard (bean), rough (sand paper), and soft (cotton)

five sesnses skin science projects for kids

Touch Bags were so much fun for the kids to explore! Then we did a I can feel by touching hand art to explore different sensations they can feel. Finally, we all took our finger prints to see how they were all different.

Edible Skin Science Project for kids learning about the Five Senses

The kids were so excited to eat this edible skin! It was a great review and such a fun treat. 


There was less for our smelling unit than our others, but we had fun smelling a variety of different things like cocoa, grass, perfume, and more.

Plus we read this book and watched this informative video.


To finish it up we explored the sense of taste. We discovered how different areas of the tongue could "taste" different parts and experimented by trying different types of food from sweet to savory.

We learned that different animals can taste more or less. Sharks can taste the most of any animals and chickens taste the least. So interesting.

We also read this tasting book and watched this video about the tongue:

More Human Body Kids Activities

>> FREE 5 Senses Book for Kids <<


Beth Gorden is a homeschooling mother of six who strives to enjoy every moment with her kids through hands-on learning, crafts, new experiences, and lots of playing together. Beth is also the creator and author of 123 Homeschool 4 Me where she shares 1000+ free printables, creative homeschool lessons, crafts, and other fun ideas to help preschool and homeschooling families have fun while learning and exploring together.