Diffusion Watercolor Art for Kids

Kids will love the beauty and science behind this diffusion watercolor art project!

Diffusion Watercolor Art Project for kids - such a fun process to learn about science and art with just markers, sandwich bag, and cardstock paper.

In our family, any form of art is exciting. We love crafting, creating and enjoying the beauty that we create. As a mother, though, I want my daughter to have a broad knowledge and love for many things. There is more than just crafts. This means I try to incorporate different areas of learning in the activities we do. But if we can combine art with other areas, it's a win win, right? YES! Enter Diffusion Science Activity Turned Watercolor Art for Kids.

This is art and science at it's finest. An exciting chemistry activity that kids of any ages, and even adults, can enjoy.

Diffusion Art

Diffusion Watercolor Activity Supplies - paper, washable markers, and water spray bottle

Supplies Needed:

  • White Cardstock

  • Plastic Sandwich Bags

  • Large Markers

  • Spray Bottle Filled With Water

use markers to draw any pattern on sandwich bag

Start with a clean surface on the sandwich bag. Using the markers color any design or combination of colors that you choose to cover the surface of the bag with the markers.

Move the bag out of the way and place a piece of white cardstock on the table.

diffusion watercolor art project for kids

Spray the cardstock completely with water, but there is no need to completely saturate the paper.

Place the sandwich bag, marker side down onto the wet paper. I started with one edge of the bag and slowly pressing down about inch by inch of the bag onto the paper. You want to give the water time to absorb the marker.

When the whole bag is resting on the cardstock, press firmly on the bag to ensure that the paper absorbs the color.

The science should be seen in this part. You can see the water, paper and marker diffusing together.

Next remove the sandwich bag from the paper. The colors have diffused together and created a watercolor effect on the paper.

The activity can end here, but we plan to use it for more.

marker art project for kids

The paper will need time to dry and for your reference, the paper will not dry completely flat. Because the paper was wet, it will curl somewhat. If you are concerned about this, I am sure you could place a heavy object, like a book, on top of the drying paper, but it may take longer to dry than without the book on top.

What Is Diffusion?

According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, diffusion is:

"the state of being spread out or transmitted especially by contact. The process whereby particles of liquids..intermingle as the result of their spontaneous movement caused by thermal agitation and in dissolved substances move from a region of high to one of lower concentration".

My daughter is 5. Explaining diffusion using the definition above would not work. I explained to her that because the paper was wet, when the marker was added to it, the two liquids (water and marker) mixed together and spread out. This created the watercolor effect.

I showed her how to do it one time and then the next round told her to watch as the marker and water mixed. it is a super quick process, but if you watch closely you can see the two liquids mixing and creating a reaction.

diffusion process

I will tell you, we are obsessed with this project. I don't remember the last time we were both on the same excitement level of a project and one that we just kept making and making and making. Luckily it is a fairly inexpensive activity, but for something this exciting - it may have not mattered!

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Deanna Hershberger is a work at home mom, coffee obsessed, a diy addict and a Netflix binger. She spends her days playing and making with her daughter and enjoys quiet nights at home with her husband. She shares all of this on her blog Play Dough & Popsicles.


Beth Gorden is a homeschooling mother of six who strives to enjoy every moment with her kids through hands-on learning, crafts, new experiences, and lots of playing together. Beth is also the creator and author of 123 Homeschool 4 Me where she shares 1000+ free printables, creative homeschool lessons, crafts, and other fun ideas to help preschool and homeschooling families have fun while learning and exploring together.