We love baking Christmas cookie recipes during December!
Cookies are not only delicious to eat, but we have such fun baking together as a family!
Here is our families new favorite cookie – Grinch Christmas Cookies.
Grinch Christmas Cookies
These cookies are not only simple to make, but we love that they don’t make enough to feed an army like some recipes do. That allows us to use moderation when it comes to cookie consumption during December!
First cream together 2 sticks of butter, 1 egg, and 2/3 cup of sugar.
Now add 1 teas vanilla and 1/4 teas cinnamon.
Grind up almonds so you get 2/3 cup (sliced, slivered, etc.). We use a mini food processor, but you could just as easily put them in a Ziploc bag and roll a rolling pin back and fourth until they are ground up.
Note: If you don’t use nuts in your house, just add 1/2 cup extra flour to compensate.
Add 2 1/4 cup flour and mix well.
Add green food coloring to get your grinchy green color. Our family is cutting back of artificial food coloring so we used this natural food coloring, but you will get a more intense flavor if you don’t. (Picture is using the natural food coloring)
Now wrap up your dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 3 hours.
On floured surface, roll chilled dough until you can work it. We used a Linzer Cookie Cutter (only $5.99) to make these.
Remember: You will need to cut out as many bottoms as you do tops (the ones with the circle cut out of the center. Using the right cutter this goes really fast!
It will make about 20 “sandwich” cookies.
Put cookies on parchment lined cookie sheets and bake at 250 F for 11 minutes. Allow to cool for 2 minutes on the cookie sheet and then put them on a cooling rack to cool completely.
Once the cookies are completely cooled spread about 1 1/2 teas of strawberry jam on the bottom cookie. Then put the heart-cut-out top on.
Hint: Put jam sparingly around the edges; put most in the middle so it will cup up through the heart and not make a mess around the sides when you sandwich the cookies.
Yum! Enjoy your delicious Grinch Christmas Cookies!
HINT: This may be a great time to watch the cartoon How the Grinch Stole Christmas or full length Jim Carey version of Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch Who Stole Christmas!