Help kids learn and practice math this fall with this fun, apple themed math activity.
This activity has 7 different math skills to practice making it perfect for Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade students.
Apple Math Activities
Print the hand on apple math pack (below) in color on cardstock or use a laminator for durability.
Choose the skills you want to practice and cut apart the apples and place them on the trees:
- number words
- tally marks
- counting
- addition
- subtraction
- telling time
- money
For the math activity kids will pick apples from the trees and put them in the correct basket.
This is loads of fun and great practice!
Fall Themed Learning Activities for Kids
Download Hands on Apple Math
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- Graphics Purchased and used with permission from Scrappin Doodles #94836, Glitter Meets Glue Designs, Ashley Hughes, and Teaching in the Tongass
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