Flower Mobile Craft for Kids
Start out by picking backyard flowers or re-purposing past-their-prime cut flowers. You'll also need 6 canning jar lids and 2 self-sealing laminating sheets.
Fold two laminating sheets in half. Cut each self laminating sheet into 3 parts horizontally.
Open half of one of the six sections, fill with flowers, and seal pouch.
Cut the pouch down slightly so you can press it in the lid with the "front" of your pressed flower sheet in the top of the canning lid.

Use scotch tape inside lid to secure the laminating sheet in place.
Aren't these beautiful?! You can use them to decorate your table, hang using string or 3m hooks on your windows.
We hunt these lids with string from a hanger to decorate our porch, but they would be equally as beautiful hanging from a tree.