Are you being intentional with your summer?

imageSo first off…. a little housekeeping!!! Today is the LAST DAY to vote for Circle of Mom’s Top 25 Homeschooling Moms Contest. We are soooooo close…. at #27!! Pretty please take 5 seconds to vote and get Living Life Intentionally into the Top 25!!!  I’d so appreciate it =-) Feel free to share the link with your Facebook friends – just remember to let them know who you’d like them to vote for.


Spring 2012 Vacation 474

I’m sure you’ve heard parents with grown kids remark on how quickly kids grow up. I know I tire of hearing I should enjoy every moment!! It’s not because I am tired of my kids!!! It’s actually quite the opposite!  The reason I dislike hearing those things is that I am already very aware my ‘babies’ are growing up. Each day takes them one step closer to independence and leaving the nest. Being a Mom is one of the best parts of my life, hands down! And I am TREASURING these precious years!!

So if you are having trouble taking time to enjoy your kids I encourage you to slow down and savor these moments with your kids. Enjoy listening to them talk, making them giggle, cuddling on the couch, enjoying new experiences together, and sitting and eating a popsicle. For these moments will be gone all to quickly! Be intentional about doing fun things that will create precious memories for you & your kids.

Are you having trouble coming up with ideas or being consistently intentional about your precious summer time with your kids? Try making a Summer Bucket List! (click on image for free download)


The kids & I had a GREAT time making a list of things we wanted to do – we all helped make the list. Now each day we just look at our list & see what we want to do & cross off our list. It helps us all get to the fun we want to have, keeps me from having to think creatively every day, and helps us be intentional about our limited time.  Here are some of the ideas on our list:June 2012 017

  • have a lemonade stand

  • play at the splash park

  • ride our bikes & have a picnic

  • make a kid wash (post coming on this one)

  • have a water balloon fight

  • fly kites

  • try the 3D chalk on our driveway

  • start a rock collection

  • go mini golfing

  • read for our library summer reading program

  • catch fireflies in a jar

  • make ice cream

  • go camping

  • make root bear floats

  • go bowling

  • go to six flags (free from reading program!)

  • do u-pick berries & make a pie

  • go to the “castle park”

  • do an outdoor Jackson Pollock art project

  • father & son home depot clinic on making bird house (free)

  • see a movie at the theatre with buttered popcorn

  • sleep under the stars

  • re-decorate kids rooms

  • make cookies

  • camp out in the backyard

  • ask a family over for dinner we haven’t had over before

  • swimming lessons

  • go to waterpark

  • KidWash (post coming . . .)

  • craft project from craft cabinet

  • Slip & Slide Fun & Popsicles

  • Make our own popsicles

  • Do a make-own ice cream sundae for breakfast!

Looking for more ideas to add to your bucket list? Check out the Summer Bucket List Party 2012 for more GREAT ideas from the truly creative host Little Wonders’ Day and lots of other linked up blogs!

Little Wonders' Days

I am going to write the year on our bucket list & save it – what a fun keepsake of our childhood fun together!

Please remember, intentional fun time doesn’t mean crazy busy, always scheduled summer!!

It is intentionally planning one thing a day to spark an interest and create a  memory. It is helping to expose your kids to a variety of activities, experiences, and situations. It is making time to lay on the grass and watch clouds.  So tell me….What’s on your summer bucket list?


Beth Gorden is a homeschooling mother of six who strives to enjoy every moment with her kids through hands-on learning, crafts, new experiences, and lots of playing together. Beth is also the creator and author of 123 Homeschool 4 Me where she shares 1000+ free printables, creative homeschool lessons, crafts, and other fun ideas to help preschool and homeschooling families have fun while learning and exploring together.