Make Your Own Crayon Sticks

Whether you have lots of little crayon pieces or you you just want to try this sup cool project, your kids are going to love these homemade, twist-up crayon sticks!

Make Your Own Crayon Sticks! This is such a simple, clever idea that kids will LOVE!

Do you have lots of crayon nubs laying around?

Would you like to make crayons that actually twist up?

Pop on over to Kid Activities Blog to find out how to make your own crayon sticks. These are SO cool!

More Ideas for to Use up Crayon Pieces

Do you still have broken crayons laying around?  Here are some other fun crayon kids activities.


Beth Gorden is a homeschooling mother of six who strives to enjoy every moment with her kids through hands-on learning, crafts, new experiences, and lots of playing together. Beth is also the creator and author of 123 Homeschool 4 Me where she shares 1000+ free printables, creative homeschool lessons, crafts, and other fun ideas to help preschool and homeschooling families have fun while learning and exploring together.