10 Games to Play Around a Campfire

Your family is going to have fun, get closer, and create priceless memories playing these fun campfire games.


Camping is a fun activity for families where you get to unplug, slow down, and spend quality time together.

One of my favorite parts about camping is the evening campfire. But unless you have lots to talk about or a musician in the family who wants to play their guitar, younger kids may get bored staring at the campfire for a couple hours.

Our family likes to play games around the campfire. These campfire games don’t require light, preparation, or anything.  Plus campfire games are a great way to get to know each other more and create fun memories together.

Campfire Games

1 - Where in world is our family?

This is a great game to help relive past vacations so no one forgets the fun times you’ve had together. The person gives 3 clues about the vacation spot and then other family members get a chance to guess where it is.

“It’s the milk chocolate ride, smells sweet, amazing rose gardens” Answer – Hershey, PA

2 - Add to the Story

One person starts a story then the next person adds to it and so on. It makes for some really funny stories.

“Once up on a time there was a boy walking through the forest when he saw a glowing blue flower.” PASS

3 - I spy

If you still have some light why not play I spy in this unique environment. One person says I spy something green. Others try to guess based on these simple clues. Whoever guesses it goes next.

4 - Alphabet Lists

This is a great game for elementary age kids to work on alphabet letters and sounds. Being a Disney loving family we tend to play it like this, but you could play it around any topic or theme

Disney Characters – “A is for Anastasia, B is for Belle, C is for Cheshire Cat, D is for Dumbo, etc.”

5 - Mom’s Silly Stories

It could be Dad or kid too, but in our family it is Mommy who tells great stories. My kid love giving me characters, setting, etc. and then I make up a story that includes these things. They love this!

6 - That makes me think of ….

This is a great game to see what your kids are thinking about and get to know them better. To start say anything and then someone else blurts out what that word makes them think of and it keeps going and going.

Pizza makes me think of Pepperoni makes me think of Mom [’s pizza eggs] makes me think of love , etc.


7 – Family History

This is a great opportunity to tell some family history stories. Tell kids the story of how you & your spouse met, a silly story about you growing up, your children’s birth stories, a favorite memory, etc.


8 - Where in the US is Carmen San Diego?

This is a fun clue game to help kids practice some geography to mix this learning and fun game.

“Carmen San Diego is in a very large state that is sunny almost all the time and has a famous zoo”

9 – Star Pictures

Instead of making pictures out of clouds in the sky, why not make pictures out of the stars. This game works well when you are out far enough to really see the stars and have old enough children that can stay up late when it is completely dark.

10 – Family Encouragement

This is my favorite thing we do around the campfire. We do it at least once every camping trip, usually right before the kid go to bed. We each take turns going around and saying 3-5 things we love about a member of our family. It is such a great way to love and encourage each other. My kids look forward to this every year!

Plus don’t forget to make S’mores, sing songs around the campfire, allow time to chat, star gaze, and bring a card game or two to play at the table with a lantern.

camping with kids

Don’t miss our tips for Camping with Kids. Everything you need to plan a successful camping trip with babies, toddlers or kids of all ages.  These are tips from a family that spent over 5 weeks tent camping in one year with an 18 month, 4 year old, and 7 year old child.


Beth Gorden is a homeschooling mother of six who strives to enjoy every moment with her kids through hands-on learning, crafts, new experiences, and lots of playing together. Beth is also the creator and author of 123 Homeschool 4 Me where she shares 1000+ free printables, creative homeschool lessons, crafts, and other fun ideas to help preschool and homeschooling families have fun while learning and exploring together.