Here's what you will need for supplies:
- A large felt piece for the back of the calendar (mine was a stiff version of felt, which made it even easier to work with)
- Sheets of felt in various colors
- Felt glue
- Scissors
- Permanent markers
- Hole punch
- String
The felt can be found inexpensively at your local craft store or easily ordered online.
First, cut out squares from the felt. My backing board was 12 inches wide, so I decided to make my squares 2 1/2 inches. This left room for 20 squares, perfect for about a 3 week countdown!
If you are doing this craft with younger children, cut the square out beforehand and let them choose what colors they'd like from the pre-cut squares.
Once you get them cut out, arrange them on your backing piece how you'd like.
Then, use the felt glue to attach the squares, leaving an opening at the top.

Now use the permanent markers to write a title on the top of your calendar. I went with "Countdown to Easter."
You could also number your squares, but I decided to leave mine blank. Punch holes in the top corners and tie a string for hanging. That's it! So easy!

Calendar Fillers
Now you need to choose what to put in your calendar. There are so many options!
Here are a few ideas:
- A cross cut out of felt that you move from day to day
- A piece of paper with a daily activity
- A scripture verse to read
- A random act of kindness to do each day
- A (tiny) treat
Let me know if you come up with any other fun ideas!
Bible Crafts for Kids
- John the Baptist Prepares the Way for Jesus
- Jesus in the Temple as a Boy
- Jesus is > John the Baptist (Sandals Craft)
- Jesus' Baptism
- Jesus is Tempted
- 12 Disciples
- Jesus Drives out Evil Spirits into pigs
- Jesus and Nicodemus: Measuring God's Love
- Jesus Feeds 5000
- Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law
- Jesus Heals a Man with Shriveled Hand
- Jesus Heals a Leper

Liz Millay ministers to families through her blog, Steadfast Family. She graduated from Cornerstone University in 2009 with a degree in Youth Ministry and Bible. These days, she loves using her education and experience to help parents build a strong family and impress God’s Word upon their children. Wife to Dave since 2009 and mom to three precocious little boys, Liz spends her days trying to find time to get the dishes done in-between play-doh sessions and puddle jumping. You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, and in her encouragement group for moms of little ones.